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Marina Ivanenko

Based in

With a background in Organizational Development, Marina moved into designing and delivering training. She also trained as a coach for business and leadership; a skill she excels at. Her experience of managing and leading teams in a global organization means she has first hand experience to draw on, when working with leaders and managers. “I focus on engaging the participants to optimise their learning. This means using practical, proven strategies and tools, so people learn and use them easily and they have a lasting impact in the workplace.”

With many years of consultancy, coaching and training experience, Marina develops leaders at all levels, encouraging people to develop their skills and confidence, to be the best they can be. Her expertise includes a range of soft skills courses, all of which are focused on giving people the professional and personal competencies they need, to be effective at work. “It’s challenging to lead or manage a team. You need a good range of skills to do it well and the confidence to put it into practice. When you have the right skills to handle conflict, give encouragement and feedback, develop your team’s performance, it means you become the kind of manager that everyone needs. “

Marina’s experience with some of the biggest names such as Pepsico, UNICEF, PWC, Nestle and Panasonic, gives her the credibility and background to work with organizations of all shapes and sizes. In addition, Marina has lived and worked in a variety of countries and understands the cultural intelligence that every company working globally, needs to have. Living in Ukraine means Marina does the majority of her work online. “It would be good to do some face to face training at times but the situation at the moment means it isn’t possible. Working online with people in many other parts of the world and hearing their stories then helping them to develop, is a wonderful way to spend my working day at home.”


Ukranian – native

Non Profit

Pharma & Research

Manufacturing & Food Manufacturing

Services: banking, professional services

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