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Birgit Preuss-Scheuerle

Based in

Birgit trained in rhetoric and it started her on a life long journey working with people and the way we use language. “Being able to structure an argument, think logically and present your thoughts in order, is essential for democracy and for working life. This is how we find solutions.”

For Birgit, the way we speak to one another, underpins our effectiveness at work. If you want to lead, to change or to influence a situation, then you do it through language and argument. When things go wrong, people remember what was said as well as how it was said.  Understanding the psychology of communication and how to apply it in a practical way, is what helps leaders to lead well and managers to enable team performance. 

As well as being highly qualified as an individual and team coach and a published author in Communication, Birgit also specializes in mediation.  “It is difficult and complex but very satisfying. When mediation is done well, everyone gets a second chance. It could be one person in the team who is the problem, or the relationship between the manager and people in the team. The emotions can be very strong and challenging. My role is to help everyone by giving them practical tools, feedback and the language they need to understand other points of view and start to change their behaviour.”

Being able to see results and change is one of the reasons Birgit is in demand for training, coaching and mediation. “I love being able to pay attention to the person in front of me and work out, with them, what the outcomes can be. This is a powerful way of changing both the way someone works and the impact they have on others.”

After spending her day listening to other people, Birgit uses her own voice to sing in a choir and in small groups. She even writes some of her own songs. Singing with others, paying attention to the music and the different voices, gives Birgit the opportunity to be in teams, doing something she loves and then taking that passion for great communication back to her work with leaders. 


German – native

Automotive & Manufacturing


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