Corporate  Collaborative Creative Chaleureux Caring Calidad

Learning Lasting Leading Ludique Lively Lealtad

Solutions Sustainable Spécifique Spezifisch Sociedad Solid

Ryan is an innovator and design thinker. He has a strong business background in design, marketing and leadership gained at IBM, Cargill and as MD of a disruptive start-up.

Ryan draws on both business and creative skills to deliver leadership and management workshops which have real impact. “I use a range of techniques and insights to create fun and inspiring environments.

It’s about enabling people to build deep connections and discoveries through self-reflection and peer work.”

Ryan has delivered management masterclasses, workshops and events to UNICEF, REHAU Unilever and many other companies. He also lectures at the EU business school, in leadership and entrepreneurship.

Ryan is a native English speaker and is based in Barcelona, Spain.

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